"Luck favors the prepared mind."
Department of Physics
IIT Hyderabad
India - 502 285
E-mail ID: vsharma@iith.ac.in
Professional Summary
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Experimental Physics from Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, in Experimental Atomic and Molecular Physics.
Domain expertise in Experimental Atomic and Molecular Physics, System development
Designing and fabrication of High resolution Mass Spectrometers
Designing, simulating and fabricating Electron and Ion Optics
Particle Detection and Imaging
Femto second EUV/X-ray source generation
Ultra high vacuum technology
Sheldon Datz, Best Scientist award in International conference on Photonic,Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Freiburg,Germany, 25-31st July2007-ICPEAC.
Professional Experience
University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany Guest Scientist in the group of Prof. Uwe Bovesiepen (February.2012 to April 2012)
Research and development :
Preparation of Si(111) sample, depositing Pb in ultrahigh vacuum on Si(111).
Studying the relaxation of electrons after being excited by photons in highest occupied and lowest unoccupied quantum well states.
Ultrafast electron, lattice, and spin dynamics at interfaces.
Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics Heidelberg, Germany : Post Doctoral fellow in the group of Prof. Joachim Ullrich (Januaru 2009-April 2011).
Research and development :
Atomic and molecular Physics experiments using coincident electron-ion momentum imaging.
Precision ultrafast quantum dynamical studies on atoms and molecules with state-of-art few cycle laser pulses.
Electron-ion Time-Of-Flight (TOF) spectrometer with special detector combination of Microchannel plates and Position sensitive detector,coupled with fast amplifier,timing descriminator and CAMAC based time-to-digital converter.
High bandwidth (60 nm @ 780 nm) state-of-art mode locked Ti-Sapphire oscillator system.
Fast loop carrier envelope phase stabilization using second harmonic generation periodically Poled Lithium Niobate crystal.
Ti-Sapphire laser multi-pass single stage (3 kHz, 1mJ per pulse,25 fs FWHM).
Hollow core fiber filled with Neon gas, leading to supercontinuum generation using self-phase modulation.
High power femtosecond pulse compression using multi bounce compensated dielectic mirrors - generation of 6 f.s. laser pulses (0.4mJ,790 n.m.) with complete wave form (CEP) control.
Slow-loop CEP stabilization using f-2f interferometry.
System design and development :
Development of novel waveform meter of laser pulses, Time-of-flight spectrometer of electrons using Microchannel Plates,fast multiplier,fast timing descriminators and Time-to-digital converter.
Development and implementation of novel method to generate single cycle pulses for atomic physics experiments using polarization grating.
Joint Institute for Laboratory Astro Physics (JILA)Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A. (October 2007-January 2009)
Post Doctoral fellow in the group of Prof. Margaret Murnane and Prof. Henry Kapteyn.
Research and development :
Time resolved studies of EUV induced molecular Dissociation coherent femto second EUV sources.
High harmonic generation in an Argon gas cell, leading to X-ray generation (2k Hz,15fs,10nJ pulses,30 nm bandwidth@40 n.m).
High bandwidth (600 nm & 780 nm) state-of-art mode locked Ti-Sapphire oscillator system.
Carrier envelope Phase (CEP, waveform) stabiliziation using supercontinuum generation in a photonic crystal fiber, followed by f-2f interferometery.
Ti-sapphire laser multi-pass single stage (2kHz,2mJ per pulse,30 fs FWHM).
Ti-sapphire laser multi-pass double stage amplifier (10kHz,1mJ per pulse,30 fs FWHM).
Wavelength selective (1.2 nm bandwidth@30 nm)EUV multilayer mirrors.
Desigh and implementation of a 400 n.m.optical beam line using second harmonic generation in BBO crystal.
1. Pump-probe experiments on H2 ultrashort carrier-envelope phase stabilized laser pulsesVandana Sharma et al, DPG Spring Meeting, Hannover, Germany, 8th-12th March 2010
2. Electronic Feshbach Resonances created in Soft X-ray Induced O2 dissociation Vandana Sharma et al, International Workshop on Electronic Spectroscopy for Gas-phase Molecules and Solid Surfaces (IWES2009), Sendai, Japan, 13th-17th October, 2009
3. Creation of Electronic Feshbach Resonances in Soft X-ray-Induced O2 DissociationVandana Sharma et al, International Workshop on Time-Resolved X-Ray Dynamics and Summer School on Time-Resolved X-Ray Processes in Atoms, Molecules and Solids Workshop and School, Dresden, Germany, July 28th-August 08th, 2008
4. Observing the Creation of Electronic Feshbach Resonances in Soft X-ray-Induced O2Dissociation Vandana Sharma et al, Gordon Research Conference: Multiphoton Processes, Tilton, USA, 8th-13th June, 2008
5. Role of symmetry in dissociation of highly symmetric molecules
Vandana Sharma and Bhas Bapat, International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Freiburg, Germany 25th-31st July 2007.
6. Changes in molecular geometry during dissociative ionization
Bhas Bapat and Vandana Sharma, International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Freiburg, Germany 25th-31st July 2007.
7. Geometry of dissociating molecular ions
Vandana Sharma and B Bapat, XVI National conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Tata Institute for Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India, 8th -11th January 2007.
8. Dissociative ionisation of CO under strong and weak perturbation
Rajesh Kushawaha, B Bapat, Vandana Sharma, C P Safvan, S De and Jyoti, XVI National conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Tata Institute for Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India, 8th-11thJanuary 2007.
9. Fragmentation study of ethanol by electron-ion-ion coincidence technique
Vandana Sharma and B Bapat, International Conference on Applications of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Delhi, India , 21st-23rd March 2006.
10. Ion-ion coincidence measurement of fragments of C2H5OH using RIMS
Vandana Sharma and B Bapat, Topical Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Kolkata, India, 11th-15th December 2005.
11. Momentum spectra of electron-impact fragmentation of CO2
Vandana Sharma and B Bapat in X05 Conference-The 20th International Conference on X-ray and Inner Shell Processes, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 4th-8th July 2005.
12. Recoil Ion Momentum Spectroscopy
Vandana Sharma and B Bapat in XV National conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India, 20th-23rd December 2004.
13. Momentum Spectroscopic studies of Carbon-dioxide
Vandana Sharma and B Bapat, XV National conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India, 20th-23rd December 2004.
14. Recoil Ion Momentum Spectrometer
Vandana Sharma and B Bapat in 11th ISMAS workshop on Mass Spectrometry, Simla, India, 7th-12thOctober 2004.
Experimental Techniques (M.Sc &Ph.D)
Lasers and Photonics (Engineering Physics)
M.Sc. General Physics Laboratory.